Exposing LNG’s Threat to our Climate

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is worse for the climate than coal. Existing and proposed LNG facilities along the Gulf Coast could determine the world’s ability to meet climate targets, which is why Zero Hour is organizing to stop them from ever being built. Getting to the Roots of LNG is a global education campaign to catalyze mass opposition to the build-out of new liquified natural gas facilities and solidarity with local organizing happening in the Gulf Coast and Permian Basin of the United States. 

This region has been a sacrifice zone for the fossil fuel industry for decades, and we are excited to do our part to ensure that the entire country has the information to take action against the environmental and climate injustices that these projects pose. We’re collaborating with national and grassroots non-profit partners and young people in one of the most polluted and climate change-impacted regions of the United States to raise national opposition to the buildout of liquified natural gas (LNG) projects along the Gulf Coast. 

In addition to our work in the United States, Zero Hour will campaign internationally to build opposition to LNG in countries with contracts to import gas from the United States across Europe and Asia. Through storytelling and uplifting frontline voices to people who are not directly impacted by fossil fuel development, we will reshape the fossil fuel industry’s narratives on gas as a more sustainable fuel source, and build a movement to oppose all new gas facilities.

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